Please check back in the spring for our foster form!

During the week, the foster parent is asked to care for the dog, provide medications if necessary, and report their observations when they return the pet to Oregon Dog Rescue. The foster parent may also be asked to provide information about the dog’s behavior to potential adopters. ODR will provide all the necessary supplies (crate, food, toys, bedding, etc.), as well as training instructions.

We generally send puppies under the age of 5 months to foster care for 1-2 weeks. We also send adult dogs who need a break from the shelter or dogs who are on medical hold. ODR will provide everything you will need to be a successful foster!

We ask that:

  • You live within 30 minutes from the rescue in case of emergency

  • All dogs in the home be spayed or neutered and up to date on vaccinations

  • Are able to communicate entirely on email outside of emergencies

  • Are willing to come to the facility in the event your foster dog needs medication, medical care or has an adoption appointment

  • Are willing to ensure your foster is on leash at all times or in a secure fenced backyard when outside

**Make sure to check your JUNK MAIL after you apply!